Orthogonal Thought | Random musings from the creator of Cooking For Engineers and Lead Architect of Fanpop




What I Ate: January 8, 2008

Posted 10 January, 2008 at 1:25am by Michael Chu
(Filed under: What I Ate)

As usual, when working in the City, I ate lunch in front of my computer. I had left overs from last night's rice porridge. (Three servings spaced through the day finished off all the porridge and the rest of the small plates of accompanying food.)

Rice Porridge

For dinner, Tina's parents brought us pigs' feet pressure cooked in a soy sauce and spice liquid until gelatinous, green beans with potatoes, and rice.  Again, so much flavor compared to what I've had to eat the previous week.

Pigs' Feet, Green Beans with Potatoes, and Rice