Orthogonal Thought | Random musings from the creator of Cooking For Engineers and Lead Architect of Fanpop




Batter Blaster

Posted 2 May, 2008 at 10:23pm by Michael Chu
(Filed under: Food)

batter-blaster-can.jpg"I was a little surprised when I saw the press release for this new product. It's called Batter Blaster and it's basically pancake batter in a can. I couldn't believe it, but Tina wasn't surprised. When I told her, "Someone put waffle batter into a can and you just spray to get the batter out." She replied, "It's about time!

Here's the press release:

Ready-to-Use Organic Pancake and Waffle Batter Prepares for National Launch

San Francisco, CA – May 1, 2008 – Batter Blaster™ is coming to a store near you to change the way you make morning meals forever, with an innovative way to create quick, wholesome organic waffles and pancakes. Launched at the end of September 2007 in select Southern California Costco Stores to eager consumers and rave reviews, Batter Blaster is now available in 22 states,[1] with anticipated full national distribution by the fall.

Batter Blaster meets the demands of today’s ever-discriminating consumer, with quality organic ingredients, convenience and environmentally friendly packaging. Batter Blaster uses the highest-quality USDA Certified Organic ingredients, including Certified Humane cage-free organic eggs. The propellant in the pressurized can contains no ozone-depleting CFCs, and the cans are made of recyclable steel.

Each 18 oz. can of Batter Blaster makes approximately 28 4-inch organic light and fluffy pancakes or crisp and airy waffles in minutes. Batter Blaster is perfect for single servings, snacks, camping and families on the go. Batter Blaster pancakes and waffles taste homemade, just like mom used to make, but these waffles and pancakes are made with a twist: the application is fun, easy and exciting, with no mess and quick cleanup.

“As an at-home gourmet with a passion for food experimentation, I married my love of food with my entrepreneurial spirit,” said Sean O’Connor, co-founder, Batter Blaster. “To give time-starved people the ability to eat a delicious and healthy breakfast in minutes is really satisfying – it’s simply an added bonus that the product is also fun to use. The customer response has been overwhelmingly positive and we are thrilled to be able to roll the product out nationwide this year.”

Batter Blaster takes the fuss out of pancake and waffle making, replacing it with fun, and it pleases the organic-conscious and the time-crunched convenience seeker. For more information visit www.batterblaster.com.

About Batter Blaster

Batter Blaster uses a unique, pressurized patent-pending process and USDA certified organic ingredients to make organic pancakes and waffles in minutes. Launched in 2007, Batter Blaster is the brainchild of former San Francisco restaurateur Sean O’Connor and his business partner, Nate Steck. For more information, visit www.batterblaster.com.

6 comments to Batter Blaster

Scott, May 3rd, 2008 at 9:50 am:

  • "Batter Blaster uses the highest-quality USDA Certified Organic ingredients, including Certified Humane cage-free organic eggs."

    Only in California would something that could be SOOOO white trash be this politically correct!

Teresa, May 7th, 2008 at 6:08 am:

  • Well, it sure sounds convenient, but it is yet another convenience product destined to waste natural resources and end up in landfills.

    Am I the only person left in the US that thinks we have taken laziness, under the guise of "convenience" to incredible levels?

    We talk about the disproved "Global Warming" and ask our senate to enact jobs killing taxes to "fight" it.

    Then we go to the store and buy billions of "single use" and throwaway containers under the guise of being too busy to refill a water bottle–or make our own pancake batter.

    For camping this product may work fine, but as for the added transportation and packaging costs, I'll stick to my old-fashioned recipe. Which takes all of 5 minutes to throw together.

Gregg, May 10th, 2008 at 6:58 am:

  • @Teresa

    I agree fully. Quite frankly I think the convenience they refer to is that now they don't need to learn to cook.

Michael Chu, May 10th, 2008 at 11:31 am:

  • I was wondering if they have a bulk size pump bottle version that they could sell to the food service industry. Then diners and short order cooks will have the ability to serve organic waffles/pancakes where they normally wouldn't have been able to. So far it just looks like they've got the can…

Batter Blaster | Orthogonal Thought, July 29th, 2008 at 12:01 am:

  • […] Michael Chu(Filed under: Food) A while back I mentioned the existence of a product called Batter Blaster. I finally got around to trying it out. Using the product was a breeze, just invert, press on the […]

HungryJack, May 13th, 2009 at 2:35 pm: