Orthogonal Thought | Random musings from the creator of Cooking For Engineers and Lead Architect of Fanpop




Buzz Bites

Posted 6 September, 2008 at 3:47am by Michael Chu
(Filed under: Food)

Two months ago, I received some Buzz Bites (a new highly caffeinated chocolate candy) to try out. I tried them with my friend Harold, wrote down some notes, and then prepared a brief entry on this blog for it and forgot to publish! Here's what I thought about Buzz Bites:nd2_9966_lr.jpg
I received two flavors Mint Chocolate and Chocolate. Each tin contained 6 candies or chews - each of which have the caffeine content equivalent of a cup of coffee. The texture of each of the chews is halfway between butterscotch and crumbly fudge. The taste however is something else - the flavor is really weird and a bit off putting to me (I do like the texture however). It started off fine - like an interesting chocolate confection. Interesting because there's a different flavor - some extra bitterness that isn't quite the same as chocolate bitterness - then the flavor deepens and some more flavors came out which made me feel like the Buzz Bite stopped being a sweet treat but something oddly savory. Then that sensation passed and I'm was left with an odd artificial sweetener + bitterness lingering in the mouth.
It's half candy and half no-doze… I don't think this is a food product that I'll be having in the future - but for those of you looking for the next buzz, Buzz Bites might be something you'll want to look out for.