Orthogonal Thought | Random musings from the creator of Cooking For Engineers and Lead Architect of Fanpop




What I Like: March 7, 2010 (Costco)

Posted 7 March, 2010 at 9:03pm by Michael Chu
(Filed under: Food, Hairy, What I Ate)

Lots of quick and simple foods today as we adopt our new dog who we're calling Hairy:

Breakfast: Before heading to the early morning church service (which we rarely do - we're late service people), I made egg sandwiches for us.
Egg sandwich

Lunch: After adopting Hairy from the animal shelter (where they had randomly named him Harry), we dropped him off to be groomed (figured he could use a wash after being in the shelter for a couple weeks) and used that time to go to Costco and get a pet mattress/bed. We had a quick lunch there where I had a Polish Sausage.
Costco - Polish Sausage

Dinner: Once everyone was settled down in our house, we heated some leftovers (half a burger from Red Robin, ribs and sausage from Rudy's BBQ) and steamed some broccoli in the microwave. Hairy was sleeping on the kitchen floor while we ate.
Leftover half burger from Red Robin
Leftover Rudy's BBQ Ribs and Sausage

Hairy's sleeping on the office floor as I write this - completely off the mattress except for his hind legs. This photo is from thirty minutes ago when it still looks like he's trying to sleep on the mattress. We think he might prefer the floor over the foam - maybe the foam is too warm.
Hairy completely stretched out

3 comments to What I Like: March 7, 2010 (Costco)

Robyn, March 8th, 2010 at 10:02 am:

  • Awwww, how sweet he is!

Debra, March 8th, 2010 at 4:10 pm:

  • You should call the dog Belka which is the name of one of the two Russian dogs who were the first mammals to go into space and come back to Earth alive. This year is the 50th anniversary of that flight. Belka literally means squirrel in Russian but in the context of a dog's name it means Whitey. Appropriate for your new dog! The other dog was Strelka which means arrow.

Steve, March 13th, 2010 at 11:13 pm:

  • Dude, maybe it's too small. My dog slept half off like that her first night on the mattress I brought home from Petco. Went back the next day with a pic and they let me trade it in for a larger one. That did the trick. On the other hand fabric breathes better than fur, so you might try flipping it over.